19.3.2 Condizionale II

Si forma il condizionale II con il past perfect e il verbo modale will o shall.

Condizionale II    
would / should + present perfect condizione
I would / should have gone if I had known about it.
Io sarei andato   se lo avessi saputo.
We would / should have left if nobody else had come to the party.
Ce ne saremmo andati via   se nessun altro fosse andato alla vista.
He would have cooked if he had been able to
Lui avrebbe cucinato   se gli fosse stato possibile.
You would have slept if only you had had time.
Tu avresti dormito   se avessi avuto tempo.
They would have written if they had had paper.
Avrebbero scritto   se avvessero avuto della carta.

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