32.6 Offerte e inviti

Se i verbi descrivono offerte o inviti bisogna utilizzare i verbi modali presentati nella tavola qui sotto. In generale si formulano l' offerta o l'invito in forma di domanda affermativa o negativa.

verbo affermazione
will Will you have a cup of coffee with me?
Won't you have a seat?
would Would you like something to eat? Would you like me to do your laundry while you are sick?
Wouldn't you like some more tea? Wouldn't you like to come over for a chat?
I would like to offer you some more tea if I might.
shall* Shall I offer you a drink?
Shan't I take the heavy bag?
can* Can I help you with the shopping?
Can't we be of any help for you?
could* Could I give you a hand with this?
Couldn't we do anything to solve this?
may* May I offer you a drink? May we help you with these bags?

In generale si usano questi verbi se colui che parla offre qualche cosa, ossia nel caso il soggetto sia 'I' o 'we'.

Anche nel caso in cui non si ricorra al verbo modale è più usuale esprimere un' offerta o proposta in forma di domanda.

forma esempio
imperativo Take some more cake(, will you?)
to mind Do you mind if take this bag for you?
to care Do you care for another cup of coffee?

contatto informazione legale consenso al trattamento dei dati personali