28.8.2 Altre particolarità (more, most)

L'uso di much e many non è lo stesso: molto si riferisce a elementi incontabili, many a cose contabili.

Steigerung von much much - more - most
Steigerung von many many - more - most
Viel mehr (im Singular) much more; far more
viel mehr (im Plural) many more; far more *

Nella lingua parlata si usa much more anche in relazione a sostantivi contabili.

Nowadays I have more time for my hobbies.
This year, we will have more peaches than last year.
Some plants need much more water than others.
Peter has many more friends at his party than Paul had last year.
* Paul has much more apples in his garden than Peter has.

contatto informazione legale consenso al trattamento dei dati personali